What is Nordic Music Magic?

Photo of Emma Cairo
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Nordic Music Magic is sound healing or meditation in the form of Nordic shamanic journey sessions which include chanting in the healing frequency of 432 hz, shamanic drumming, incantation, Norse deities / energetic archetypes, as well as the healing power of Energy Healing.

I’m Emma, a Scandinavian singer, songwriter, and Energy Healer, and I’m heavily inspired by the Norse vølve/volva tradition. The volva is a type of shaman from the pre-Christian Viking era. I’m originally from the tiny Kingdom of Denmark with ancestrals roots from deep within Norway’s South and East lands, as well as the Danish island of Funen, and even though I now live in California, I’m still very inspired by my Nordic roots, its ways, its traditional music and its spiritual myths and practices.

Photo of Emma Cairo playing a drum

I practice galdr – which is the song part of Seiðr – which some call Nordic shamanism. I sing myself and others into a deep meditation, a trance like state where deep healing, vision and clarity can happen. This is a part of what the Seiðr practitioners, the so-called volvas, did during the Viking era, and most likely as early as the Bronze Age in Scandinavia.

A galdr is a magic song sung to affect and to heal. The healing potential of chanting is great, both for the singer and for the one being sung over, as the song carries both the information of the words, the incantation, as well as the energetic imprint of the vocal tone, the frequency, and the melody. I believe you can therefore affect both the astral body and the physical body, and you can call in energies of blessings in order to manifest visions for the future. The song has been used in all nature-based spirititual practices – or shamanic practices – in the world, and the fact that our ancestors all over the world placed a lot of stock into the spiritual practice of song makes me treasure it even more.

Stylized quote: "Singing with purpose is a very old powerful magic."

At FOY I use my voice and my drum to chant the guests/clients into a deep meditation, where they can focus on manifesting different energetic aspects into their lives, as well as connect with their spirit guides and ancestors. The guests will lie down and get as comfortable as possible, just like during a sound bath, and by using deep breathing and listening to the repetitiveness of the chant and the drum, their minds will enter the theta wave state, and they will go on a magical journey to the core of their inner being. It is – of course very different what each person experiences – but common threads are a feeling of deep relaxation, connection with the spirit guides, and a clearer vision of their life purpose and path.  Such amazing healing as you work through mental health and addiction recovery.

I welcome you to join us at FOY Life and FOY Wellness and Recovery (an out-patient mental health and addiction treatment center)? Stop in for a tour, and enjoy a cup of tea on us! We are located in Agoura Hills, CA. I hope to meet you soon.